AvoidProbate™ BASIC
AvoidProbate™ Basic is ideal for clients with adult children who simply want to name them as beneficiaries for their real estate to avoid probate.
What it includes:
The AvoidProbate™ Basic estate plan includes the following documents:
1. Revocable Living Trust: Designed to avoid probate and plan for periods of incapacitation. Assets such as real estate can be "titled" in the name of the trust which will prevent them from going into probate when you die. Assest in the trust can also be easily managed by a Successor Trustee if the initial Trustee is ever incapacitated.
2. Power of Attorney for Health Care: A document which allows you to name an agent who can make medical decisions for you in the event of incapacitation.
3. Power of Attorney for Property: A document that allows a named agent to manage assets that are not in the trust (i.e. bank accounts, retirement accounts, and more).
The Process:
The process starts with us sending you an online intake form to complete at your convenience. If you have any questions along the way, just give us a call or send us an email and we will help. Once we have all of the information we need, we will send you drafts of the documents to review. If there are any revisions needed, just let us know. Once approved, we will send you final copies of the trust and powers of attorney for you to sign and have notarized. If you elect to have our office prepare and record the property deed(s) into the trust, we will also send you the prepared deed(s) to be signed and notarized as well. Then you simply send the original executed copies to our offices.
The Cost:
AvoidProbate™ Basic is priced at $795 for individuals and $895 for couples.
A $250 deed preparation and recording fee will be added for each individual piece of real estate that you need us to "title" in the name of the trust (Illinois real estate only).